哎,此BL非彼BL,这BL是我朋友的名字的short form。很谢谢她一直很帮我,可能她觉得只是举手之劳,可是对我来说,却是很大的帮助。

好比说,之前我报大学的时候,她帮我print东西,因为我没printer。现在,我没fax machine,她又帮我fax东西。又请我吃东西……如果没遇到她,我不会感受到拥有兄弟姐妹的快乐。她和她的弟妹让我觉得有兄弟姐妹,其实很好玩的。而她的狗则让我不再那么惧怕动物的亲近。从一见到它我就跳来跳去,到现在我会喂它吃东西、为它按摩,让它舔,我觉得自己真的改善了很多。它我很感谢她这半年来陪我度过很多很多快乐的时光。再过一两个月,我们就各分东西了,希望她到国外后,还可以保持一样的她,和现在一样开朗。


昨天我接到NTU的e-mail,还以为是通知单呢!高兴死了!那知~它只是提醒我补交我的Singapore NRIC的photocopy给NTU。原因是我报名时寄的supporting document缺了那张photocopy。可是我明明记得我有一起寄的……就算我没寄,他们列明的supporting document required是说NRIC OR Passport photocopy,不是其中一种就行了吗?可是妈妈说因为我是公民,所以一定是要NRIC的,Passport的不行~~

然后NTU的人说越快越好嘛~所以我就send e-mail去问看可不可以用fax的方法寄过去,可是等呀等,等到今天中午还没等到他们的reply,而我中午又要和我的朋友——BL、BY两姐妹出去,看着出门的时间越来越逼近,我就越来越焦急。不可能取消的嘛,人家问了父母才可以出的咯,取消会不好意思……


刚刚开始打的时候,电话没人接听,令我暗暗松了一口气……可是妈妈说她帮我打,很神奇地,她打通了。她把电话给我的时候,我的心一直“扑扑、扑扑”跳个不停。响了近十声后,有人接听了。我只好支支吾吾地用我的破英文报出自己的application num和名字,哪里知道,我竟然打错号码,打到给负责international applicants的部门……

我只好再从打咯。这次终于打对了,可是我还是讲到很kek,kek到那个officer不耐烦了,对我说“you have to tell us clearly what your question is, if not we cant help you.”其实那时我已经很紧张了,她还这么说,我更紧张,然后就更kek。啊,那时我真的很想哭。然后我就一口气把我之前起的稿再读一遍,她才明白我说什么。我的问题得到解答,可是我的信心同时也没了咯,我觉得自己很没用……

放下电话后,我一听到妈妈的声音眼泪就控制不住地滚出眼眶。之前那几分钟的紧张、焦虑和被打击的心情,我统统控制不了,在那瞬间放松的同时全部宣泄了出来。我不停地抽噎,不过很庆幸地,终于在要到BL家前停住了。可是我看到BL的那瞬间,我又忍不住滴下几滴泪,几滴而已啦。可是却吓坏她和她妹妹了,sorry lo~就这样,完毕。





爸爸 是一间温室
妈妈 就是温室内的泥
而我 是温室内的小花

尽他所能 确保我衣食无却
直至他 无力再拥抱我
直至我 能够把枝高高伸向更远的天
有足够的能力 面对外界的风雨

尽她所能 确保我生活无恙
直至她 无力再抚摸我
直至我 能够把根稳稳扎在更深的泥
有足够的能耐 不让自己挨饿受冻


希望 会有那么一天

今天要吃早餐的路途中,很遗憾地,我看见墙上印着大大的、用蓝笔写的“china babi”字样。在遗憾之余,我觉得有点可惜。



昨天我去kepong (metro prima) jusco的popular看书^^,看着看着,一个红衣女子经过书架时弄倒了大概十本书,你知道她是什么反应吗?当然,如果她是停下,马上把书拾起来,那就没什么好写的啦~她就只是淡淡回头用她那“迷人”的眼角peh了那堆刚刚被迫集体跳楼,现在因为受重伤而瘫在地上的书一眼,不!是半眼,就当作没一回事地继续走她的!哇……她真行!在下佩服佩服,真是佩服到五体投地啊!她那“睁眼瞎子”的功夫实在高啊!厉害厉害!那那些孤零零的书怎么办呢?当然是小女子我与一位当时也在案发现场看书的老爷爷代为拾起咯!









a. 快餐
i. McD
他们的pie有芋头口味、玉蜀黍口味与正常的凤梨口味,上一次我去的时候还有巧克力香蕉口味呢!然后他们有猪肉汉堡,对我们来说,那是挺特别的。说到他们的套餐选择,我是没细数,可是看起来是比我们的选择多。可是可以让我们骄傲的事,他们没24小时服务= =,而且早餐我们的比较好。
ii. KFC
说McD我们还有可以引以为傲的地方,可是说到KFC,我觉得那是没的比的咯。他们甚至出了像是McD的Sundae ice-cream,而且口味还多过我们。他们的新产品很多,多到他们是每个月换menu的(我观察到时这样啦,不只对不对)。他们真的很多东西咯……
b. 普通餐
c. 7-11

他们的大路真的很干净咯,如果是拿来跟我们的比的话。不要说那种巷子和巴刹之类的地方啦,主要道路是很干净的。然后一堆嘟嘟车在路上咯……可爱可爱。然后他们的路都是one way罢了,所以可能用走的只需要穿过两条街就到了,可是如果坐嘟嘟车就会游车河了。

a. 服饰与化妆
b. 车
c. Boyboy girlgirl 傻傻分不清楚
d. 态度
e. 妓女与伴游女郎





Tee didn’t have to work that day. We lied on our bed chat chat chat after we woke up, too lazy to move. When we felt hungry, we took Java mee at a stall nearby the morning market. It’s nice…Then we go home and I started playing my cousin’s computer games—mahjong. I didn’t play it before so Tee taught me how to play. After that, I spent whole morning to play the game. I almost bankrupt in the game.

Then we bought tou fu fa at noon. Tee bought 10 packs for me to bring back to kampung. When we brought it home, we found out that the syrup of tou fu fa would spill out if we didn’t take it carefully. It’s troublesome if I’m going to hold the 10 packs of tou fu fa on my hand on the way back to kampung. So we had tried many ways to pack the tou fu fa. It’s a complicated process == and it took us almost 1 1/2 hour to accomplish it.

Then we took asam laksa as lunch again with my cousin. Then we bought many kuih back to eat. Haha, we ate a lot that day. Then the cousin of mine went back to her house to pack her luggage. Remember? I mentioned before that she’s the one who was going to fetch me back to kampung. When I was waiting for her, I started playing the damn mahjong again. Yeah! Finally I won once! Then it’s time to leave and say good bye to Tee.

Good bye!

Things repeated. We took breakfast together also, with the same people, at different shop, chat chat chat, eat eat eat, and then it’s time to work!!!

Same as yesterday, they 姐姐 here 姐姐 there. Then I gotta 喝水 here 喝水there. But the different thing is when they found out that I was taking their picture, they started……
“姐姐,show me!!”
(eh… got people say English also)

Then I gotta bargain with them…

Haih... I’ve become their “camera girl”, it’s tiring but I felt good... Their poses were cute!!

Oh, I’ve forgotten to mention, a girl was crying when she entered the class. She looked so cute when she’s crying! Her handkerchief seemed big compared to her body size. So cute! She keep sobbing when she say bye to her dad… Her “拜拜爸爸……” really cute for me. Tee told me that fortunately it’s her dad who fetched her to school that day. If it’s her mother’s turn to fetch, she’d cry like someone’s torturing her and ran out from the class to catch up her mother. I can imagine that… It’s so funny.
She reminded me of my old days. When I was in kindergarten, I used to acted like her also… It’s my sweet memory but I believe that it’s the most terrified nightmare for my mother as the same situation repeated everyday when I was in kindergarten.

Tee introduced me the asam laksa near her school. Hmm... Fantastic. And we cooked our dinner ourselves. Actually we planned to eat outside also but it started pouring cats and dogs after we finished preparing. Sweat. I did help in preparing also, I fried eggs. Haha.

Then tuition class again. Here comes a little genius. She’s only 6 years old but she has spelling test twice a day at school, 20 words each. Damn poor child. She’s from the same kindergarten also but she’s the 1st class student, that’s why… I did pass by her class that morning, her class was extremely quiet. They were only 6! I thought 6-year-old boyboy and girlgirl should be a little livelier. I thought they were under military training when I passed by haha… They just sat on their places doing their own works and the teacher was supervising them.

Night falls and its bed time again. Good night.

I followed Tee to her kindergarten in the morn. Oh yeah, I’ve forgotten to mention, Tee is a kindergarten teacher. She’s teaching 5-year-old students. When we arrived at the kindergarten, her colleagues had been waiting for us to take breakfast together. They were nice and talkative. I liked them so much. They chatted about everything. Their families, school affairs, even TV dramas would be their topics. I was so happy to take breakfast with them. I just knew that having breakfast with colleagues would be so interesting.

We went back to school around 8am and Tee started cleaning her class. I wouldn’t know that teachers also had to clean their class on their own ==. After a long wait, Tee’s 1st student showed up. Oh, he’s so cute!! So mini! Her students started to arrive one by one. So so so cute! When they were handing in their homework to Tee, they keep asking her question. 老师this老师that, haha, cute cute cute.

As it’s a Christian school, they had to pray in the hall before school starts. The teachers gathered the students to the hall and they started praying. After that, the teacher taught them to sing and read them a story, its title is “诺亚方舟”. But when she’s telling the story, a student who was late to school started crying when her mother drag her out from the car. She’s just kept crying until the headmaster can’t stand it and asked a teacher to bring her for a walk. It’s hard to be a teacher, especially a kindergarten teacher…

I helped Tee to teach them also. It’s happy to say that we had been friends in couple of minutes, they didn’t afraid of strangers at all. Brave little girls and brave little boys. Hmm…I found out that some of them were intelligent but some of them didn’t even know how to hold a pencil. Anyway, it’s fun to teach them, I enjoyed it so much.

During the lessons, they would surround me to ask questions, or…
“姐姐,姐姐,我写完了~!帮我check check~!”
(Good student)
(This is what called 25chai in Cantonese)
(Then two of them started fighting)
(Then the little girl keep pulling me to her place. Oh, my poor shirt.)

Then I replied them…
Or something like that, I swear that I hadn’t speak as soft as that before. Ah, I’m a perfect jiejie. It’s so unbelievable.

I also had to confirm that they did drink water after they had finished their works.
(Still spoke softly.)
(Started pointing here)
(Started pointing there)
(Started pointing here and there)
(Pointing here and there again)

My volume turned up, and I’m sure that I looked like a crazy that time haha. Then…
(Why are they so stubborn?? Haih...)
(Nod nod)
(Huh, got friend like this also... Sweat)

After that, they had practices for their Sport Days games. As the hall is not big enough for whole school students, this practice only involved 5-year-old students. They were divided into 4 groups. And I was responsible to guide one of the groups to run in the right path. As I was new there, I didn’t know much about the rules of the games. I asked a student from another class and she really told me the rules, although I didn’t really understand what she was talking about. Her explanation was quite confusing actually… Though so, I still had to thank her for willing to tell ==.

My group had got 1st runner up in the practices, Yahoo! And the champion belongs to Tee’s group. Haih. However, I still think that my group was the best as we worked as a team. Our “加油!加油!” was the loudest among all. I was so proud of them. They are my babies!!

After the practices, it’s time to go home! Students are required to return to their classes respectively in order to pack their bags and waited for their parents to fetch them. In Tee’s class, once again…
(Shaking their bottles altogether… don’t know where should I look at ==)
The only word I can say is…“乖~”plus“明天也要喝完哦……”

Finally we called it a day. Ouu.. What a tiring day. I don't want to be a teacher anymore. I'm exhausted. But anyway, it's lunch time! Let’s take lunch!! We took lunch with another two cousins of mine at a shop. It’s cheap! A chicken chop set including a glass of soy milk and a little tart only costs RM4.90. So cheap! But it’s not so delicious… just soso. But I was not disappointed; we can’t expect that people would treat us with expensive food while we were just paying less than RM5.

We went home and spent a relaxing afternoon together. After that, we took our dinner together with another cousin of mine in a hawker centre nearby. Foods over there were delicious also, especially the claypot chicken rice…I must eat it next time! But argh, food feeds me, I feed the mosquitoes.

Night falls and another tuition class began. There were two students, one is the cute little boy mentioned before, and another one is an 11-year-old girl. She’s extremely quiet. Huh. But I have to admit that she’s a good looking girl. I wonder whether Ipoh really “produces” leng lui and leng zai, since every cousin of mine from Ipoh are so leng lui. I was asked to teach the little boy when Tee was teaching the girl. Tee said that he likes me so much. (She said so, not me, hohohoho…)

What a tiring day, I fell asleep once I touched my bed.